How I’m Earning Reliable & Truly Passive Income

Jerry Fetta
7 min readMay 2, 2024

Today I purchased another piece of passive income producing real estate in West Virginia and I want to write to you about it so you can understand that there are reliable ways to earn passive income.

First, I want to share a bit about my investing background so you know where I’m coming from.

My first investment was in a mutual fund. It was what everyone I knew was doing and I was pretty uneducated on the topic of investing. I ended up having to cash it out to buy a car and by doing that I lost money due to volatility and also due to fees.

After that, it was some time before I began investing again and my next asset was physical silver. I had spent quite a bit of time learning about how precious metals work and I liked the idea of having something tangible with a really long track record (thousands of years) that I could understand easily.

From there I got my first Sacred Account (High-Early-Cash-Value-Dividend-Paying-Whole-Life-Insurance…which you can probably see why I just call it my Sacred Account it’s way shorter to say haha). I began to accumulate money into that and learned to become my own banker. I paid off debt with it, self-financed large purchases with it, invested in myself and my business with it, and today I own 6 of them.



Jerry Fetta

Jerry Fetta is the CEO and Founder of Wealth DynamX. Jerry’s mission in life is to help create millions of financially educated and wealthy families.