How To Get Your Spouse On The Same Page To Build Wealth

Jerry Fetta
5 min readJun 28, 2018

This is one of the top reasons someone will succeed or fail when it comes to wealth creation. Often times I hear people say they’re not ready to work with a Wealth Creation Coach yet and they don’t immediately voice the reason why not. When I dig and begin asking some questions, I find out that the real reason is that their spouse is not on the same page when it comes to goals and money. This is a major holdup for people because without spousal support the plan can’t happen and it also would put the person in the uncomfortable position of having to confront the disagreements they have with their spouse. It’s no wonder why this debilitates people. I want to cover how to get your spouse on the same page and why you shouldn’t allow this to be the thing that prevents you from creating wealth.

The primary reason your spouse isn’t in agreement with you is because you aren’t communicating about it enough. You brought it up and it didn’t go over so well or maybe you even tried something like this before and you didn’t make it work and now you don’t talk about it. Here’s the deal, if you don’t communicate about your goals and dreams to create wealth, then the situation will never improve. It doesn’t matter if the communication is upset at first, at least it is something. By not talking about wealth or your potential, it cannot exist.



Jerry Fetta

Jerry Fetta is the CEO and Founder of Wealth DynamX. Jerry’s mission in life is to help create millions of financially educated and wealthy families.