How To Set Goals For The New Year

Jerry Fetta
5 min readJan 1, 2019

Most of America is spending tonight celebrating New Years Eve. Most of America also will set New Years Resolutions. Most of America will quit their New Years Resolutions (80%) by February.

What do you need to do to actually keep your New Years Resolutions? And how do you set your goals so that you’re not just setting goals once per year, but instead, daily and weekly?

You see, I don’t set New Years Resolutions. For me, my company’s fiscal year ends on 12/31 and so I set my yearly plans and targets each New Year for the coming year.

This article is going to show you how to set you goals so that they actually happen this year.

First, you need a life goal. You see, if you don’t have a massive goal overarching for your entire life, your goal this year probably won’t happen. Your new years goal should simply be a smaller version of your life goal and by achieving it and doing that over and over you would fulfill your life goal. Most people don’t do this. They set a random goal based on the fact that they sucked at something last year or they are afraid if they don’t make a change this year, something bad will happen. Goal setting shouldn’t be a negative thing. It should be an aspirational thing that leads you to the better version of where you want to be.

Next, you need to have a reason for your goal. Why is your goal your goal? What will be accomplished by you achieving that goal? There has to be a motivation for that goal and it has to be long lasting. “I want to lose weight so that I can fit my wedding dress” is probably not a good goal. Why? Because after your wedding, you will gain weight again. You didn’t have a goal that would cause you to keep the weight off. Now “I want to lose weight so that I can live into my nineties because I want to be at my grandson’s graduation” is a good goal. Why? Because it involves action NOW and it is motivated by something that will last your entire life.

Once you have your goals, you need to establish your non-negotiables. What are the values, policies, or beliefs that you will not abandon in pursuit of your goal? These are what I called “Always and Never” statements. They keep you on purpose and that act like boundary lines. In a moment of uncertainty, which will happen, you can go back to these policies and remind yourself of the truth. I can’t tell you how many times I felt confused or unsure, and all I had to do was go back and look at my personal polices and values and be reminded of what to do. Most people don’t have these because if they did, their goals wouldn’t be of the kind they have now.

These are your foundation and without them, your goals will not stick. Now that you’ve laid these down, you can actually set the regular goals.

You should have more than one goal because you have more than one component of your life. Each goal should have it’s own unique plan for achievement, with linear steps detailing what needs to happen in progression to achieve the goal, when it will be achieved by, and who will do it.

It is so critical so assign roles. You see, too many people think their goal is just their own personal secret and to be kept to themselves. The fact is, if you are married or have an influencer in your life, and they don’t know about your goal then they can’t support you. You need to communicate these things.

Part of communicating your goals is communicating what they should look like once you get there. There are two reasons for this. The first is that you won’t be motivated to achieve something you have never envisioned. This isn’t mystical or about attraction or any of that other garbage. Think about this like giving directions. If you just use a bunch of instructions on left and right turns, but don’t tell the other person what to look for then your directions will be less effective than someone knows what your house looks like and what they’ll see on the way over.

Now here is the final piece and this part is so critically important. You need accountability. This doesn’t mean you need someone checking on you. It means you need to know your numbers. Do the math. What will it take to get to your goals statistically speaking? Then you do need to communicate your numbers to someone who isn’t going to listen to your excuses and they will kick your ass if you don’t achieve them.

You can probably understand why most people never achieve their goals. They don’t know about these steps and even if they did, they wouldn’t know how to do them and stick with it. That’s why you need a coach and a team. Wealth DynamX offers just that. You will be assigned a Grant Cardone Certified Coach from the #1 Grant Cardone Coaching Firm in the world and you will have a support team provided to help you win. This is how all successful people win. Athletes don’t have just a coach. They have specialists and they have teammates in addition to their coach. If you need help and you know it, I want to give you a free 3 Day Trial to our flagship program, Wealth DynamX University. Click here to get started.

Own Your Potential,

Jerry Fetta

Grant Cardone Certified Coach

Jerry Fetta helps his clients build wealth so that they can eradicate poverty in their own lives and own their potential.

He believes scarcity and abundance cannot co-exist and that the way to end poverty is to help you build wealth.

You were not created to spend 40+ hours per week serving the 40-year-to-life sentence trading your precious time for money just to live in mediocrity.

However, the truth is that time and money must be exchanged. It just doesn’t need to be you making the exchange.

Jerry helps his clients create wealth that exchanges time and money on their behalf. The only way to do this is to make more money, keep it, and then multiply it.

He has helped clients double their income, save $100,000 tax-free, and secure 8–12% fixed annual returns on their assets.

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Jerry Fetta

Jerry Fetta is the CEO and Founder of Wealth DynamX. Jerry’s mission in life is to help create millions of financially educated and wealthy families.