Member-only story
How To Use Travel To Build Wealth
I am writing you today from beautiful Albuquerque, New Mexico in an “adobe”/Pueblo-style home with a breathtaking view of the Sandia Mountains. Every quarter, I take a trip with my wife where we spend time recharging from the past 90 days and planning for the next 90 days. I simply call these “Quarterly Trips”. They usually last 3–5 days and are done toward the end of the quarter for that quarter. The Q4 trip reviews Q3 and plans for Q1, for example. Each one is a bit different, and all of them have the same underlying format and today I want to share this with you because it’s a valuable tool I think you may be able to use to enhance your wealth building.
Let’s address first what all of my Quarterly Trips have in common:
- They are away from home. For me, it is extremely important to change my environment and get out of my day-to-day space and routines. This makes me more enthusiastic, broadens my horizons, and forces me out of the mundane.
- I refrain from doing my day-to-day work and life activities. I believe the future only exists…in the future. If my mind is wrapped up in the present or the past, I’m not going to have the mental clarity I need for the future. I leave the work projects, the kids, the pets, the chores, etc. alone for these 3–5 days and focus on what I am creating in the next 90 days and how it aligns with my long-term…