Listening With Leaders Podcast Transcription | Jerry Fetta & Doug Noll
Your fellow. Welcome to Listing with Leaders. You are the co-founder of Wealth Dynamics and can be found in and dynamx is spelled d y nam X. That’s right. Okay. Well, welcome. Thank you, Doug. It’s good to be on today. Thank you. So give us your backstory, man. I know from studying you that you have been all over the place.
You’re now in Tampa, Florida, but that that’s just your last stop on a very, very interesting journey. Yeah. Yeah. Now, about to move to Kansas City as well at the end of the month. And my backstory, gosh, So, you know, I think for me, this all started. And when I say this, you know, helping people with finances and really seeking truth in that area and and providing that to people on as wide of a scale as I can, you know, it probably started for me when I was eight years old.
Right. And so that summer in my life, you know, my, my, my, we lost our house. Our house got foreclosed on, a car got reposed. Mom and dad got divorced. I was homeless on both sides of the family. So with my dad, we were sleeping in a tent in the woods. As an eight year old, I just thought we were camping.
Right. But and then with my mom, we were living in a dry camper behind somebody’s house. And so this was my, you know, eight year old summer. And I remember looking at this. And as a kid, you don’t have the same significance associated with the events. When you look back at it and you’re like, holy cow, you know, this this was kind of an extreme, you know, summer in time in my life.
So I think at that point, you know, is really when I saw the negative impacts that money could have. And, you know, I started, you know, in life, you know, seeing and experiencing more and more of that. So I remember when I was 17, 18 years old, and my older brother had told me, he said that the US dollar is not backed by anything.
And I remember just being at this this, this state of like, why would I work my entire life trading time for basically what I considered Monopoly money, you know, And so I opted out of the money game and I was like, I’m just not going to participate. You know, I’m not going to be involved. I’m just going to enjoy life and ignore economics.
And within 18 months of that, I was homeless again. And so that was, you know, a wake up call for me on you know, what I’ve realized now is that there’s no there’s no opt out of economics and finance. It drags along kicking or screaming. And so there’s there’s really there’s really three options we all have, right? We can go into denial, which is what most people do.
That’s that’s kind of middle America. And then we can go into, you know, nonparticipation, which is what I attempted to try. Or we can go into abundance. Right. And that abundance is, okay, well, if this is the game, I want to have so much abundance in this area that I don’t want to have to think about it. You know, Zig Ziglar talked about, you know, money being like oxygen.
And I think that’s the best example of ever heard, is we don’t count our breaths. We don’t worry about who inhaled more than everyone else. It’s just we just live and breathe. And that’s how I think money should be. So that’s kind of my backstory of finances. I got into the industry when I was 18. I got my licenses and and I slowly and any any any real professional CEO, I think is probably experienced this.
You go through this evolution of learning the textbook right while you’re supposed to think and what you’re supposed to know to then observing maybe some things that don’t quite agree with the textbook and then having to kind of confront the wisdom in that and find out, okay, well, what’s the truth? Right. And that’s kind of where you come up with, you know, the evolution of of going to what I believe a true professional.
Any field is someone that you know, they’ve got the basics down, but they can do some crazy stuff that’s not the basics anymore. And somehow it works. Right. And and that’s really kind of what I’ve striven to do in my field of finance and what my company does with our clients now is helping them really apply the truth about money in their lives.
But tell us about tell us about wealth, wealth dynamics. How did how did it start and what’s it do? Yes. So all dynamics, like I said, it’s kind of an evolution, right? So I started on age 18 and I got my insurance licenses. I got my investment licenses. And it was very traditional. Right. And back then it wasn’t about dynamics yet.
I was working with a very large national agency. So I got my training and I got my my, my legs underneath of me. And that was very much what I call retail financial services. We were doing a lot of retirement planning and the 401 KS and the life insurance and and I started to have these encounters and it wasn’t often but it was often enough that it would stop me in my tracks when it happened.
I would meet with people that had means they had money already and certain individuals I would talk to. They were already wealthy and they had no interest in the stuff I was offering and it was very different than what I would experience with most people. Probably nine out of ten people, you know, they were on board and they’re like, Yep, I need to do this.
And and there are certain ones that would question me and be like, Why do you offer this instead of this? Or explain explain to me like a five year old what this means. And I and I could never make sense of those encounters. And so I started to, you know, just plant a seed, I guess, in the back of my mind.
And for me, it all changed when I was 21 years old. So my mom was my first client, right. And shout out to all the supportive moms out there. I think I think, you know, a lot of us can say our mom is probably helped us out when we were just starting something. So my mom was my first client.
And as we know, the retirement game is is build the nest egg up until you’re 60. Ray When you’re 60, you can start to live off of that. So I had this whole plan going with my mom, and so she turned 60 and she was diagnosed with stage four cancer and passed away within six months. And I had just been in a fit in the financial industry for a few years.
I was still pretty green and I was looking at this and as a son, I was devastated and I was like, I never would have expected this to happen. And then as a professional in the financial trade, I was looking at this and I was like, you know, the plan, the quote unquote, the plan, it just unraveled in front of my own eyes with my own mother.
The 48 weeks I trained for this. You’re talking about the 40 year plan, the 40 year plan. You know, put it all in a41k and hopefully you die before the money runs out. Right. And there’s there’s some humor in that statement because that’s kind of what people do, is they sock it away and they sock it away and they defer life and then they turn 60 and they they pray to God that they don’t outlive their money.
Right. Nobody wants to be, you know, 76 years old and looking for work again, unless you’re Colonel Sanders and you and you make it the new thing. Right. And so I looked at this and I was like, okay, So on one hand, that’s the goal. In a weird way, my mom achieved the goal. She didn’t outlive her money, but on the other hand, she didn’t achieve the goal because she didn’t live long enough to enjoy it.
And I was like, This is not a winning system. And I started to put this together with those encounters that I had, which were wealthy individuals, top one percenters, in fact. And so I just started to research the top 1%. I was like, what did they actually do? And not not the Warren Buffett’s in the Elon Musk. I mean, they’re all dead.
Successful people read the biographies of the Vanderbilts and the Rockefellers and the Carnegies, and these really old historical figures that we can go study. And that’s when Wealth Dynamics was born. I started to realize that these individuals, they didn’t do the things that we’re taught to do today and that the things we’re taught to do today are actually very recent.
You know, unless 40 or 50 years, a lot of these things were developed. And if you look back 100, 200 years, these guys didn’t do any of that stuff. Right. And the stuff that they did never went out of style. It’s still there and people still win with it today. And so I started to really take after that with my own finances.
And what I noticed, Doug, was when I was a financial advisor, there was this statement we always had to tell people past performance cannot predict the future right? And this is like, you break this in blood, you make sure every client knows this. And what I started to notice, which was just sheer irony, is that when I was doing the 1% stuff, I started experimenting.
Past performance was indeed predicting the future and did exactly what they said it would do exactly when they said it would. And it was a direct cause and effect. Right? It was great. And the financial advisors industry, they’re really talking about the stock market. You can’t say I made $10 million for my clients in the last year. The government doesn’t want you doing that because you guys.
Exactly. But you’re talking about investment principles, not about specific investments. And that investment principles. Exactly what exactly what did you learn? So one of the main things that and this is the first one that really caught my attention is most of the top 1%. There’s actually a graph that I saw, and it shows the savings rate by a wealth class and it goes back 100 years.
Right. And so it shows the middle class, it shows the bottom, you know, 90% and then it shows the top 10%, then it shows the top 1%. And so the top 1% of wealth, they actually have a track record, a very consistent track record of saving 40% of their gross income, while 40%, which is a lot. And that’s pretax, right?
So and make 100 pretax and maybe only take home 60. Well they’re still going to save 40,000 like the pretax never happens. Right. And so that’s something I noticed and they were doing this over and over and over. And I had noticed that during economic booms, this is when they were saving that much money within recessions and depressions would happen.
Their savings rates would drop. And in fact, during the Great Depression, they actually went into debt. And I looked at this and I realized, you know, they’re they’re buying. They’re not saving anymore. They’re deploying all the capital. They’re even borrowing money because, you know, businesses went on sale, real estate went on sale, stocks went on sale. And the entire time in between their stacking up, they’re dry powder.
So they’re leveraging in depressions when when separate assets are cheap and the risk of the risk, the risk is very low. And then, of course, in times of in time in the in the bullish markets, there, they’re making money. So they’re saving money. Exactly. Exactly. So that was a big one that I noticed. And then I also saw, too, that, you know, the majority of the net worth of the top 1% historically, I think 68% of it is in small business equity.
And that doesn’t necessarily always mean they were the founder and it doesn’t always necessarily mean they were the owner, but it means that they had definitely had skin in the game. Right. Whether they’re a C level and they’ve got equity and in shape or form or maybe they did actually start the business. So that explains the rise of private equity firms.
Yeah, Yeah, absolutely. Because they recognize that they can invest in small but purchased small firms or purchase interest in small firms and make a much bigger return than they can in the public markets. And there’s a lot more controllable, too, if you have a really well-run, really well-managed small business, you know, it’s much more maneuverable when you make a change.
It happens a lot quicker, it shows up a lot quicker. Some of these publicly traded companies, they’re behemoths. So it’s as you think about this giant ship out at sea, you know, you’ve got to turn a lot just to get the ship to go a little bit in a different direction. So, yeah, interesting. So Wealth Dynamics is about educating.
When I looked at the website, it looked like you had a lot of education. Yeah, we’re very big on education. My, my vision as a as a co-founder, as the CEO, my vision for the company and I guess for for the world with what I do every day is I want to see I want to see a planet where the majority of wealth is owned and controlled by good people and by good people who actually want to use that wealth to improve the freedoms and conditions of humanity across all dynamics.
Right? And so that starts with education. Money is something that, you know, I learned the hard way you’re going to encounter it whether you want to or not. There’s not an option there. And so, you know, it’s a lot like like Ziggy says with with oxygen. Imagine if no one ever taught you you needed to breathe. Right. You know, or eating.
No one ever told you you needed food or they didn’t say, Hey, hey, Doug. Hey, Jerry. You guys, you guys need a good seven, 8 hours of sleep every night. What if we didn’t know that life would be unnecessarily hard? And I think that that’s what happens with a lot of, you know, families, individuals, entrepreneurs is we lack that education.
Right. And and and it shows up in in, you know, kind of this mystery. One of the examples I like to give, Doug, is in 2020, a lot of us, you know, we were locked up at home and having kind of a tough year. The net worths of the top 1% collectively increased by $1,000,000,000,000 that year. I know that’s crazy.
In and we were losing money for all in case we’re getting locked down by 30% and incomes were dropping. And so we look at this and we can see we all went through a similar event, but we had very different outcomes. And it leads one to wonder, what are they doing that everyone else doesn’t know about? And us that lack of knowledge is it’s not a secret and it’s not impossible.
You know, if if the average kid from Alaska can figure it out, you know, the everyday Americans sure as hell can. Right. And that’s that’s that knowledge. What do you think the big difference was? You know, I think the big difference was was a lot of things. I think, you know, part of it goes back to what I said on the graphs.
I think that the the one percenters were prepared. You know, you don’t accidentally make $1,000,000,000,000. You’re getting ready for that. You know, you have reserves put away and you’ve got not just reserves to cover the bills in case I lose my job for three or six months, it’s reserves to really take advantage of opportunities. And that really is, you know, it’s a it’s a definition of wealth is it’s abundance.
Well, as you think about it, the Federal Reserve and all the central banks around the world created a huge amount of liquidity. That’s what drove the stock market. I couldn’t I couldn’t understand why is the stock market going up? And, you know, we’re basically all shut in and economic activities basically stopped. And I realized it was because of the liquidity that the Fed was putting in the market, which which boosted the stock market to all time highs.
And people were making a fortune in those kinds of investments. Yeah. Yeah. And if you look at the liquidity, you know, it hit corporations in a higher proportion than it did the everyday consumer. And so we saw, you know, we we can talk inflation, we saw what I would call inflation with stock prices first and with real estate prices.
Right. Paper assets. And then we saw this lag before it finally trickled into the hands of the consumer. And so then we see the inflation of the price of milk and gas and all the everyday things because now the money had moved, finally had gone through that that funnel, if you will, into the everyday Americans hands were now they’re putting it to the things that they use.
Money is like a hose whatever you pointed at, it’s going to get wet. So at that point we’re pointing it at everyday goods. The inflation came into everyday goods at that point. Right? Right. Interesting. So so what is it that you’re pretty high energy guy, Jerry? What is it that gets you really excited, gets you out of bed in the morning?
You know, for me, for a while, I didn’t know, right? And I always start as an entrepreneur, as an executive. I think, you know, maybe others have had this where a lot of times people tend to know, you know, they either have a chip on their shoulder or they had something happen and they’re trying to prove someone wrong.
There’s this thing that they’re that’s the thing that drives them. And I was for the longest time, Doug, I was like, I don’t have that. I don’t have this thing. And so, you know, I finally realized one day is really two things. It is. It’s my purpose. And my purpose is there’s the vision that I stated, right? I think that that there’s incredible people on this planet, like I am the number one believer in people.
I think there is not a better investment than a human being. I mean, you can’t go talk to real estate and all of a sudden it produces more and you can do that with a human being and you coach them and talk to them. All of a sudden they improve and get better right on the spot. I think that’s incredible.
And so my purpose is helping and I think there’s a lot of really brilliant people who are unnecessarily held back by money. And I was one of them. And if someone wasn’t and wasn’t willing to have the right conversations with me and help me, you know, I wouldn’t be here today. And so that’s that’s a big piece of it.
And then I would say the other one is also my my protect my potential. You know, life for me is like a game. And so I always want to see what what is the next thing we can do? What’s the next level look like? What am I capable of? And just constantly, you know, moving the bar. And I think that when I for me, when I live that way, I emanate more energy, right?
And it’s not something I necessarily have to flip on or off. It’s just kind of always there. Yeah, you are pretty high energy guy. What is it that you think that’s unique about you that you bring to the table that other people don’t have? You know, I think we all have uniqueness is I think that that one of mine is I’m a very good problem solver and I and I come up typically with very quick out of the box solutions, you know, and that’s been something that I’ve always been good at where, you know, someone will come to me with what seems like a very large problem.
And instantly I’m like, Well, what if we do a blind? It’s like this thing that sometimes I’m even like, How did I think of that? Right? It’s just it blows me away a bit. And then the other one too, is I have a very intense level of focus and this is on it can be on a macro scale or if I’ve got a goal, I’m the guy that I’m going to do the same stuff every single day for the next five years, if that’s what it takes.
And nothing’s going to stop me. And it happens on Little staff too, where if I’m working on a project, you know, for example, you know, let’s say there’s someone talking to me, all of a sudden I might not even hear them speak because I’m so zoned in on what I’m doing in the moment. I Yeah, it sounds like you have the same I have that same blessing and curse.
Yeah. Oh, it was so funny. I’ll just tell you a quick story. We, my wife and I were on a 11 day road trip through the Pacific Northwest, and we’re where we are. We were our last night. We were in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, at a hotel. And I was sitting by the pool. I played jazz violin, and I had my electric violin and headsets on.
So you don’t nobody can hear me. And I’m totally focused on what I’m doing. Finally, a guy stopped me tapping on the shoulder and and I go like this, right? That happens to you, right? Whoa. And he said to your wife, She needs to be led into your hotel room. And I mean, I could not hear thing. I was totally I was totally different than the sound.
You have that same experience, don’t you? I had that same experience. And it is it is a blessing and a curse, right? I think it’s a blessing because it’s like it’s like a tunnel vision. If you decide to do something. That’s right. It’s getting done right. No question about it. Exactly right. It’s getting done. But but other things won’t than right.
The causes of things don’t get done and you’re oblivious to the world around you when you when you’re in that zone. Precisely. I totally get that. Wow. So this show is called Listening with Leaders. As you may know, I’m a lawyer turned peacemaker. And I one of the things I do is help help people stop fights and arguments in their lives forever by learning how to listen properly.
How important have you found listening to be your career, especially now as a founder and CEO? You know, listening is huge. And I love when when you when you told me that was, you know, a big focus of the show because I think, you know, those that are willing and able to listen are they’re real solution makers in the world.
So many people want to just simply be heard and validated. Right. And like you mentioned, with fights and conflict, usually that’s because someone doesn’t feel like they were acknowledged. They feel like they need to continue to push their communication out. And, you know, I remember when I was a kid, when my parents got divorced, they’d fight all the time.
And it was this person’s viewpoint against this person’s viewpoint. And they were constantly enforcing one viewpoint on the other. And it was just this back and forth, back and forth. And it’s kind of like, you know, tennis, except it’s not tennis. You want to play like you’re not winning. The more times the ball goes back and forth, the person listening is able to just catch the ball and then the game is done right.
And I think listening is a big piece of it. But I think listening in a way where you understand the viewpoint of the other individual and it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ve got to agree with it. It doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve got to change your viewpoint, but you can see the world that they see from their perspective and have empathy for that and actually understand it and in a way where they feel understood.
And I think that that is such a huge thing. I agree with you. I mean, what I what I teach is validate the other person, validate what they’re saying, what they mean and what they’re feeling. And when you validated that those three levels, regardless of whether you agree with them or not, they feel deeply heard and disagreements go away.
You can still disagree, but the animosity, the emotion gets de-escalated. Yeah. Yeah. Really powerful. And and I think as a CEO, you probably deal with a lot. Yeah. You deal with a little messiness every now and then, don’t you? I do it with finances and in business, too, you know, and it’s, you know, I think as a CEO specifically, you know, when when you’re trying to get a company, you know, let’s say moving along, you’re trying to get staff or employees, you know, pushing towards the goal of the company or achieving the mission or meeting production quotas.
Like the number one asset that you have is their willingness. Right. And so if you lose that willingness, you don’t have the support of the team anymore. You’re a one man show dragging everyone else trying to get the targets accomplished. And that doesn’t work. And so listening, I mean, in a very basic form, it’s it’s a form of good manners.
Well, yeah, right. And if you listen correctly, that willingness to go along, another word for that is motivation, motivating to do the work. Yeah. You feel you become the leader everyone wants to follow and feel validated by you as a leader. Yeah, that’s is it really is everyone. I mean, I was really when I started the company and big in sales.
Right. And I learned very quick that a sale is closed by fact finding and listening and really understanding. Not that closing, but if you listen well enough, you don’t have to close. You know, you move over to marketing. And I found out marketing is much, much better when done by survey. You ask people what they think, you listen, then you get the feedback and you act on it.
So I think there there’s not any area in business, you know, even finances, for example, I’ll talk to a couple sometimes and they’re like, how do I get my spouse on the same page? And it’s like, listen to them. Like they’re telling you the answers to your questions. They’re, you know, I want to go do this with finances and they’re afraid of losing money.
And so listen to that. And then you can then show them, hey, we actually lose less money by doing this. Right? And they can actually show that person what they’re looking for and whatever the plan is. So it really is, you know, multi-faceted. There’s not a thing that I do where we’re listening is not more important. My dad used to say two years, one mouth for a reason.
That’s right. I know I’ve worked with a lot of financial managers over the years, training them how to listen and I t i, I teach them. And my guarantee to them is that when you learn how to listen in a way that I can teach you how to listen, you’ll close not just 20% of your prospects. You close 40 to 60% of your prospects and even more.
And the secret is for the first 5 minutes of any meeting, don’t say a word. Mm hmm. Just let the other person you can say. Tell me what’s going on. Well, what about this? And. But don’t ask. Just very broad, open ended questions and then reflect back what they’re saying. And the secret here is to reflect back where they used to be, but not a nice statement.
That’s the. And when you do that, people, as we discuss, people feel validated, they feel heard and they trust you. And you’re probably the only professional that they’ve talked to. You have taken the time to really listen to them and make them feel heard. Yeah, And that’s what’s really crazy to me is that listening is the is the it’s a priceless gift that costs us nothing to give.
Yeah. And yet so few people do it. Yeah. It’s crazy, isn’t it. It’s crazy. And the other thing the other thing about it is, you know, if you, if you really think about it takes less energy to listen. It’s more energy to talk. Like, I could do a two hour speech and I’m going be exhausted. I could listen to someone for 2 hours and I’m probably not going to be exhausted.
So it’s a better leverage of your energy to write. And the same thing, the same thing with fights and arguments. You can stop a fighter argument, but I love your catch. The tennis ball metaphor. That was great. You can think about it. Catch the tennis ball, stop the stop the volley. No more energy. It’s great. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
One one trick I learned, Stuart is on the listening. Point is, is, you know, and you hit it on the head with validating. It’s a form of agreement, right? It’s impossible to have a fight with only one terminal. It takes two. And so if I’m willing to agree and I mean that obviously comes from listening. So I’m not giving empty agreement and just lip service.
I really do the prior steps and then I agree with them and say, you know what, I can totally see how you’re right about that. But done. There’s not an argument anymore. Wonderful. All right, one more question. We’re coming to the end of them. What is one thing about you, Jerry, that we would not know about unless you disclosed it to us?
And I’m sure there are a lot of things because you’ve had a really. Yeah, but there are a lot of things. Okay, So when I was when I was early on starting my business, I was a pizza guy and I did this for a number of years in the rural woods of Alaska. Right. So I had and I had the weird shifts.
I had the 5 a.m. on Friday night shift and I’ll go going and tell you now, and you probably have guessed this, nothing good happens at 5 a.m. in the middle of the woods in Alaska. When you’re ordering and delivering pizzas, it’s always weird stuff. So I’m not in the way in the winter. I mean the winter at sea, right?
So I did the winter in the summer. So one winter I actually hit a moose with my car. One of the crazy experiences in my life and I was not wearing a seatbelt. Somehow I wasn’t injured. My cell phone got destroyed. Right. And so I stopped the car. Obviously, the moose stopped the car is what we should properly say.
So the moose stopped the car. It was in front of a trailer. And there’s this guy that comes out of the trailer in Alaska. There’s a lottery list for moose roadkill. So it’s not like the Midwest where the deer is blown up and you can’t eat it. Now. It’s like that’s going to feed someone for a year. So there’s actually a lottery list of people in the top guy.
The list gets that moose for the year. So this guy comes out of his trailer with a 22 rifle and he starts shooting the moose to make sure it’s dead. Then he shows the hogtied and dragged to his trailer before the state troopers can get there and the trooper shows up and catches him in. The act is like, Sir, you can’t steal the moose.
This is someone else’s moose. So they take the movies and then he comes and checks on me. And he told me if the moose were to hit a centimeter lower, he’s like, You’d be dead today. And so I had that. And then I call my boss at the pizza place. He’s this Albanian guy whose name is Benny, and he talks like this.
And so he gets on the phone, and from that day on, he refers to me as moose. So that’s that’s a nickname I have from that story that you would probably not know. Well, in small world stories, we last week we were up in eastern Washington and driving. We were driving back to our Arab. It was actually driving back from a wedding.
And lo and behold, this big old brown bear comes blasting out of sight, smacks into the side of our car, Gigantic brown bear Karam’s law runs off into the woods. My wife is driving her pickup truck, scares the crap out of her. And there you go. Maybe I did a dent. Did it Dent? The car didn’t do any damage to the car at all.
It was going thump, thump, you know, and. Well, that was a bear. Ran off into the woods. A crazy nature’s crazy sometimes. Absolutely. Well, thank you so much for being a pleasure talking with you and a great conversation. You, too. Thanks so much for having me on today. You’re welcome.
Okay, so this is all I’ve got for you today. I do need to say now, if you’re reading this, I’m going to be teaching a course on this Saturday at 1 p.m. Eastern Time.
If you go to, you can register for this. And I’m going to be teaching you how to use the sacred account to increase your active income, so that you can get into the top 1% of wealth with saving.
You’re going to get into the saving category first. You’re not going to get into the income category first. You need to be making half a million a year or more. Right? So we’ll get there. But you can save 40% of your income and then automatically puts you in the top 1% of savers. So, guys, if you’re reading this, make sure you get into that category.
Register for my course on Saturday at 1 p.m. Eastern Time. Again, that’s
Thank you for reading!
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To Purpose, Wealth & Freedom,
Jerry Fetta
Jerry Fetta is the CEO and Founder of Wealth DynamX. He is a nationally recognized financial expert featured in Forbes, Yahoo Finance, Fox, Chicago Weekly News, New York Finance, interviewed on over 45 podcasts with world renowned experts, earning endorsements and affiliations throughout his career with names like Kevin O’Leary, Grant Cardone, Dave Ramsey, and Pamela Yellen.
Jerry’s mission in life is to help create millions of financially educated and solvent families achieving greater financial freedom and sharing the truth about money with those around them.
Learn more at
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