The Top 5 Money Books That Made Me Rich
I am an avid believer that a good book can change someone’s life.
As a kid, I was an avid reader and I read way above my age level (despite that, I liked to rock Dr. Suess books well into 4th grade simply because I enjoyed them more lol).
But from the age of 12 to 18 I basically didn’t read at all simply because I was being told I had to read by teachers at school and I had no interest in the books that were assigned to me.
It wasn’t until I began to learn about personal finances that my interest in reading was rekindled. I was at a networking meeting and a guy who was making $400,000 per year and was a millionaire several times over asked me what I was listening to and what I was reading. And my answer was “nothing”. I can tell you, I don’t know if I’ve felt dumber in my life because I knew he was reading books and listening to growth material.
Right then and there he recommended 1 book to me and 1 audio.
If you don’t know me personally, I’ll let you in on a secret. I’m really good at listening to people who are more successful than me. I knew he was more successful than me so I went home and began reading the book and I listened to the audio he recommended. And right then and there my life began to change.