Why Being Broke Is The Same As A Traffic Jam

Jerry Fetta
5 min readNov 28, 2018

Have you ever been in a traffic jam? Of course you have! Nobody likes a traffic jam and we can all agree that being in a traffic jam is one of the most frustrating things out there. More than that, causing a traffic jam is much, much worse! Whenever I’ve seen someone cause a traffic jam, they usually don’t want to admit it and they will blame someone else for causing it. You’ve done it too, don’t act like it hasn’t happened. It’s embarrassing to cause one and frustrating to be in one.

I’m not only going to explain why being broke is no different, but I’m also going to explain how you can fix it. Problems that you can’t fix aren’t good problems, just like traffic jams that can’t be fixed are no good.

Money works like this: when you flow, it grows. If you no longer floweth, it no longer groweth.

Think about how a traffic jam is caused. Traffic is flowing and one person (this is why it’s so frustrating), one single person stopped when everyone else was going forward. When I’m in the traffic jam I always get mad at that one person. It seems illogical to me that when everyone else seems to be moving, one person overlooked the obvious and decided not to move any longer.

Which is also why when I’ve ever been the cause of the traffic jam, it is always embarrassing. It makes sense why we’d blame it on someone else. It would be embarrassing to admit that we were the person who couldn’t take a hint and not stop in moving traffic.

Your money is the same way. When money is moving, it keeps moving. Why? Because it’s energy. Money is just an idea and ideas are energy. Energy likes to flow. Therefore money likes to flow. Think of a current. Did you get it? Is there any part of that current that isn’t moving with the current? No. A river flows in one direction. There isn’t any part of it that goes opposite or in a different direction. It all goes the same way. If the current does stop, it is because the whole river stopped. Traffic is the same. Just like money is the same.

When you are spending, investing, and earning your money is all flowing in one direction. Just like the traffic and the current, if it isn’t, you will experience that all of it stops moving. You know those times when you’re doing well financially and then all of the sudden, you’re tight on bills, income isn’t moving, and it seems like your personal economy restricted itself? That’s because it did. You had something that blocked the flow of money. It could have been a circumstance, a dumb expense, a consideration, or even a case where you weren’t ethical and because of that you’ve stopped pushing. The bottom line is that is any money stops moving, all the money stops moving. And if this happens, something caused it.

This can be frustrating because money is value-less, it is easy to get, you’ve done it before, and all of those things, but for some reason, you can’t seem to make it happen right now. That’s what it is like experiencing a block in flows.

Now back to causing the traffic jam. If there is a traffic jam with your money, you caused it. Period. I don’t need to know why you’re having money problems or have you explain a circumstance to make sense of it and make it okay. You are having money problems and you caused those money problems. This goes back to being the person who caused the traffic jam. They never want to admit that when all logical signs pointed for them to keep driving, they decided not to and they stopped moving. With money, you are the only driver of your economy and so if the money did stop moving, you made that happen. If you blame someone else, you’ll never fix it.

What economic policies did you violate recently? Do you have agreements about money that you violated? Are there economic laws that you’re not following or abiding by (the economy doesn’t operate based on your feelings so if you don’t follow the rules of the economy, bad things happen). Something happened, that you did, that caused your money to stop flowing.

So here’s what to do to get it moving again.

Take responsibility for causing it. Get rid of all excuses and realize you did something to cause your economic situation. Not only did you do something, but you caused everything.

Flow your money again. Don’t restrict. Don’t stop spending. Get your money moving!

Next, stop spending on non-contributing items. if it isn’t helping you, it could be contribute to your economic downturn.

I’d highly suggest at this point that you lock in on your purpose so that you can align your money with it.

You see, money is like a traffic jam because even one move that is unaligned with your purpose can halt your progress financially and bring everything to a stop.

The final point? This can happen to anyone at any level! That’s right! You can be a millionaire or even a billionaire and have your money stop flowing.

I help people get their money moving again so that they can create wealth. If you’d like help with this, click here.

Own Your Potential,

Jerry Fetta

Grant Cardone Certified Coach

Jerry Fetta helps his clients build wealth so that they can eradicate poverty in their own lives and own their potential.

He believes scarcity and abundance cannot co-exist and that the way to end poverty is to help you build wealth.

You were not created to spend 40+ hours per week serving the 40-year-to-life sentence trading your precious time for money just to live in mediocrity.

However, the truth is that time and money must be exchanged. It just doesn’t need to be you making the exchange.

Jerry helps his clients create wealth that exchanges time and money on their behalf. The only way to do this is to make more money, keep it, and then multiply it.

He has helped clients double their income, save $100,000 tax-free, and secure 8–12% fixed annual returns on their assets.

To get started, go to www.WealthDynamX.com/contact

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Jerry Fetta

Jerry Fetta is the CEO and Founder of Wealth DynamX. Jerry’s mission in life is to help create millions of financially educated and wealthy families.