Why Most People Don’t Build Wealth

Jerry Fetta
8 min readMay 16, 2024

It’s no secret that wealth seems to belong to a minority of people. The top 1% of wealth currently control a majority of wealth on this planet, with numbers reporting that the 1% own somewhere around half of all the world’s wealth.

Meanwhile, the average person seems to barely get by financially or at best, make very slow progress in comparison.

To set the tone here, I want you to change your viewpoint on wealth. I want you to think of it as a game. Part of what makes people lose with money is how serious they make it. Money is quite literally made up and it only works and is used on a large scale because collectively we all agree on it. There are many rules to this game of money, but none of these rules state that you need to be serious with it.

If wealth is a game, we can see a very small percentage of people are winning this game.

And that boils down to 2 reasons:

1. Most don’t know how to play

2. Most aren’t playing the wealth game to begin with

I actually want to address reason #2. We will get into knowing how to play the wealth game in the future.

Why wouldn’t someone be playing the wealth game?

Maybe they don’t want to and aren’t interested?



Jerry Fetta

Jerry Fetta is the CEO and Founder of Wealth DynamX. Jerry’s mission in life is to help create millions of financially educated and wealthy families.